Solutioning Engineering Business[IT/Software & Engineering & Management]

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Services & Consulting
Striving to Provide, the Technology/Business Services & Consulting You Need

ALTA TECHBIZ Service & Consulting Wing
With a comprehensive range of services, ALTA TECHBIZ can try to ensure your technology needs are not just met, but exceeded. We work with our clients to create customized plans that are seamlessly integrated, effective and sustainable. Kindly reach out today to see how we can help.
What Services we do
ALTA TECHBIZ offers Information Technology, Software and Engineering [Technical and Business Management] Consulting Services.
We currently offer Project/Program/ Product/Technology Management Services at various levels(Preferred), in multiple Technology areas and also Individual Technical Services(in selective areas), (Scroll below for Document - Service offering catalog attachment); all carried out by 1 Working associate on a Basis or Contractual basis for a short duration( from a from a few days; up to 6 months contract projects(extendable if suitable) executed on a flexible Part -Time basis only (Up to 6 Hours/Week) . Please check availability upfront by reaching us. All of the Services are executed and delivered in a predominantly Remote work environment. We offer services for low complexity and low work volume projects only.

A Glimpse of our Service Offerings
Below link gives a glimpse of the kind of Service Offerings of ALTA TECHBIZ. Please be noted that our Service offering is not restricted to the below list and we can take up tasks in other similar areas as well and in this case we may need some more lead time to analyze and deliver. Please scroll below for further discussion and feasibility, by reaching us.
Service Catalog File -
Please fill up your request form below, with regard to the nature of Technology Service you are looking for with reference to above and we may reach you at the earliest with next steps; like further discussion and feasibility.
We work on flat pricing for each of the services offered. Please read our Must Read Webpage (Service agreement) upfront before availing any of our services. Please use the Service Payment from, that is available after Login/Registration, for all kind of Services & Payments. (An indicative & negotiable price range would be between 19$ - 28$ per hour.)
Reach us now
For any urgent clarification/matters, you can Chat with us with the Instant Whatsapp Chat link/ webchat via the Contact/Reach Us Page in the menu bar .Alternatively for relatively non-urgent clarifications/matters, you can use the Contact form from the Contact/Reach Us Page in the menu bar. Please be noted that we work in low volumes and flexible time mode. We usually respond within 8- 12 hours; and sometimes almost instantly but is subject to work volumes, availability and working hours. Any inconvenience due to delay is regretted.